SuperSavvySavers Guernsey
Saving you money in a
cost of living crisis
Welcome to SuperSavvySavers where you'll find all the latest offers, deals and discounts at local retailers, shops and supermarkets right here in Guernsey. We're all feeling the pinch right now during this cost of living crisis, so we're here to help save money and offer helpful and useful money saving tips, ideas and inspirations.
Save yourself hundreds of pounds every year on your local weekly supermarket shop with our Price Comparisons! And if you do find yourself starting to struggle or maybe in need of some help, check out our help and support resources.
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I LOVE this page! Thank you ladies for all your hard work helping us save our pennies x

You make an old lady smile doing positive things for our little Island.

Love looking at your website, I find it very helpful. Thank you to all who keep it going.